Archive for April, 2011


Practical Tip #236

April 4, 2011

I am an advocate of being sure that you don’t take on any ministry to “just fill a gap.”  As the spouse of a church planter this can be very tempting.  It is also very dangerous.  If you begin a ministry that God has not called you to, you will not do it justice.  This also prevents others in your newly formed community from seeing a need, and stepping up (using their God given talents for that area) and filling it. That said, there are times when you will need to “fill in” last minute in an area that is not in your gifted-ness.  It is good to be prepared!  I want to share with you some practical tips that you can use to help in these times.  Sometimes the tips may seem overly simple or obvious to you, that may be because they are in an area you are gifted in.  Read the ones that you are not gifted in!  These are designed to be simple and practical.  Please add your practical tips too, so that we may have a fully stocked arsenal of resources to combat that “Oh, no! You want me to do what? And with less than a days/hours/minutes notice?!?!?”  feeling.

So without further ado:  TIP #236

There will be times when you are having a gathering, and you find out that childcare is needed, and your husband volunteered you for the job, or you feel the need to fill in.  It may happen on many different levels. It may be for a core group meeting, an informational meeting, or you may also be called in to “watch kids during church.”  The point is that this happens with little or no prior warning!  BE PREPARED!  Have a box or bag prepared at all times with the following:  A kids devotional, and hands on lesson (once you’ve done a lesson, replace it that night or the next day with a new one), coloring pages, crayons, Kid CD and a spare small CD player with speakers (or a bunch of kids songs on your IPod with a small speaker- those cardboard collapsible ones work well enough), a list of games – remember to think variety (for younger and older kids and for 3 – 20+ kids), a couple of great picture books, and a few infant toys.  It never hurts to throw in Goldfish or Annie’s Bunnies.  DO NOT let your children at home EVER play with this bag, or you will end up without 1/2 the stuff you needed!  Pretend it doesn’t exist.  Don’t pack it with the “church supply” stuff either.  If you have room leave it in your car so that it is always handy.  Trust me, you have know idea when you might need it!


Ashes to Grace’s New Home

April 2, 2011

I have had Ashes to Grace on another hosting site for about a year, and have not been happy with the results- although my husband uses that site all the time, it was not user friendly enough for me.  I am hoping that WordPress will serve to be a better option.  With that said, WELCOME!!

I would like this site to serve two fold:

First obviously, I will post based on my own personal experiences and my own current walk with God through His Holy Word.  I can do nothing else, but I know that I am continuously growing and so my faith today will look very different from last year, and from next year.  Join me in my growth.  Feel free to disagree, with respect, and also I would like to offer others a chance to post as well.  Ladies, share your stories with us, for the betterment of all of us.

The second purpose is to help us discover what we need in our churches as women.  How do we disciple each other, make real friendships, mentor, share, laugh, encourage.  Does women’s ministry or ministry by and for women look like it did 50 years ago- I hope not!  But what should it look like now.  This may be very specific, or we may find similar streams of thought running throughout our communities.  I will post surveys to help us better understand what we want to see.  Also, in regards to this point if you are a Church Planting Wife in the CGGC or without a denomination, let me know if there are ways that we can serve you with events, videos, etc.  This site is for you, and so you help me to direct this site!

May the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all!  Shalom!