Archive for March, 2012


Leading the Unshackled Series

March 19, 2012

I led a breakout session last weekend at the CGWM Retreat “Unshackled:Grace-Full” Although I was initially confused as to why God would not give me very much material to take with me, it became apparent when my box for questions filled up! I had too much to cover in my session! I have been praying for God to give me topics for my blog, and it is like Him to not only fill our session, but give me plenty of topics for my blog! I will be going through the questions here, and for the more technical, or complex questions, I am excited to be bringing in some guest bloggers! So hang in there your questions will be answered! Please interact, because just like the session, it was so much better with other ladies ideas, and inspirational helps! Also, if you want to add more questions, that’s fine as well.